If you own land used for commercial or residential purposes, then be mindful of how you maintain it. If you're not careful, then you can expose your site to contamination. When you employ a professional remedial investigation company, you're taking one of many steps to help prevent or clean up contamination in an area. Read on for more insight about preventing contamination.
You need energy to run buildings, operate vehicles, charge appliances, and make life easier. However, the type of energy you use can affect how much waste and exposure to chemicals your land may have. By utilizing renewable energy sources, such as solar, you have less reliance on fossil fuels or other fuels that have harmful emissions. You also don't have to worry about the impact of an oil spill when you're dealing with solar panels.
Be mindful of how much waste you're using on your site. Even a commercial operation can take part in recycling or utilizing used materials. By reusing materials and repairing tools effectively, you are putting less carbon emissions into the environment. The less waste you have, the less you'll have to worry about disposal. When people don't utilize proper disposal methods, it can be easy to contaminate the soil and water supply and harm wildlife.
If you must use chemicals on your site, then do what you can to limit the amount that you have to use. For example, does your site have to utilize plumbing? Whether you have a commercial or residential building, you'll need bathroom services for anyone who's living or working in the area. If you're not relying on porta potties and you have plumbing, then be mindful of how you handle clogs.
When there is a drain clog, it can be tempting to reach for over-the-counter chemicals. However, those can do more harm than good. Those chemicals can seep through your plumbing and eventually seep through your septic tank. As a result, your septic tank can cause a major health hazard if those chemicals eat through the tank and contaminate the local soil and municipal water supply.
Be mindful of the amount of trees you chop down on your property. While trees can grow back and are sustainable materials, too much deforestation can increase the likelihood of contamination on your site. After all, every time a tree is chopped down, it exposes more soil. Then that soil has more exposure to the elements, which makes it easier for it to run off into local water supplies and cause degradation of the area. According to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, the world has lost about 87% of its wetlands to land degradation since 1900.
Limit who has access to your site. When your land is a free-for-all for anyone to roam or drive through, it's vulnerable to litter and chemical dumping. Some companies have illegally dumped their chemicals in residential area rivers, causing a spread of illnesses in locals. If there is a target receptor on your site like a river, pond, or landfill that people often dump in, then you can begin limiting access to that.
Ongoing remedial investigation can make sure that your site stays in compliance in terms of safety. Do regular checks of your pipelines, tanks, and storage areas. Doing so can help you quickly identify leaks or spills. In other words, don't wait until the effects of a chemical spill show up. You can have necessary daily, weekly, and monthly inspections to make sure that your land is in compliance.
Are you dealing with hazardous substances on your site? Is there anything that is corrosive and can seep through other materials? If so, be mindful of the type of containers you were storing these substances in. Doing so can prevent leakage from seeping out and contaminating the area. Utilize the same mindfulness when you're dealing with disposal. In other words, don't throw hazardous waste in a container that will also cause a leak or spill.
As you can see, you have several ways to protect your land from contamination. By making sure your site has limited access to trained people who understand how to store and dispose of items, you can ensure that your land stays safe. For professional remedial investigation services you can trust, contact our team today at Anco Environmental Services Inc.
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