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Here's What to Know About Site Remediation Service

August 4, 2023

Site remediation can be an important part of environmental risk management. This process involves identifying, assessing, and repairing any damage that might have been done to an environment. These damages are often the result of business or industrial activities in the area as well as construction. Participating in site remediation is a crucial part of your company's contribution to environmental protection and sustainability efforts in your community. Read on to learn more about site remediation services.

What Is Site Remediation?

Remediation is the process of cleaning up an area that has been contaminated by industrial waste or construction. In some cases, these methods involve the removal of soil, while other methods can leave the soil in place and treat the area to remove contamination, according to The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Utilizing a site remediation service can make an environment safer for people to live and work in again. These types of services are often brought in after the completion of a project.

Who Should Consider Site Remediation?

This type of service is necessary for any business that has performed any business activities or construction projects that have contaminated an environment in any way. In many cases, you will be required to participate in site remediation if, during your permitting phase, it is determined that the project has a contamination possibility. You may be required to perform site remediation in order to be granted permits at all. If you fail to comply with these regulations, you could face stiff fines or penalties.

Why Does Remediation Matter?

This process matters because many types of projects can, and do, have a negative impact on the environment. However, this doesn't mean that all of these activities must be outlawed. This is just another step in the big picture of reducing the long-term impact on the environment. Repairing the damage that might be done during a project, allows for innovation and progress to continue while also keeping a careful eye on the environment and attempting to lessen the impact.

What Will Site Remediation Look Like?

The details of site remediation will depend on the environment and the nature of the project. It can involve removing soil, treating soil, removing water, treating water, or disposing of contaminated materials properly.

Will I Be Required to Do Site Remediation?

It is hard to determine who will be required to do this until you apply for permits. During the permitting process, your activities will be evaluated and an environmental assessment will be done of your operations. During this assessment, you will be asked to provide a plan on how to remediate the area if it's determined your activities will indeed have a negative impact on the area. Remediation is often required of businesses that deal with chemicals, operate industrial plants, or deal with waste that must be handled carefully.

What Are the Types of Remediation Services?

There are a few different types of remediation that take place. Soil cleanup is one of the most common types of remediation. Soil being contaminated is a huge problem in some areas. This is often seen near large industrial sites. Contaminated soil must often be removed entirely. This can be very expensive. However, soil remediation technology is improving to make it possible to leave the soil in place and treat it to remove contamination.

Another common type of remediation is groundwater remediation. This is the process by which water must be cleaned up and treated in an area due to polluting activities. Waste removal is also a very common type of remediation. If your business activities will produce waste materials that are hazardous, special care will be needed for proper disposal. Air pollution remediation is often handled through control systems that are utilized before contaminated air can reach the ground.

What Happens if Remediation Isn't Performed?

Remediation isn't often a voluntary action. In most cases, you will already be informed that remediation is required for your business activities long before your project is underway. If you refuse to comply with remediation mandates, you could face fines and penalties. Remediation guidelines are set by the state and federal governments. To continue being successful in your industry, it's important that you comply.

Site remediation can be a lengthy process. That's why it's best to leave the job to the pros. If you are in need of a site remediation service, please contact us at Anco Environmental Services Inc today.

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